Sunday 15 July 2012

Year of faith, year of foolishness? A warning for the Holy Father.

The Supreme Pontiff has decided that we shall soon have a ‘Year of Faith’ as a part of his programme of ‘ The new Evangelisation’; running from the 11th October 2012 to the 24th of November 2013. This year will begin on the day of the half-centenary of the Second Vatican Council. The key Theological features will be the teachings of Vatican II, the conciliar magisterium and the 1992 Catechism.

I have a question for the Holy Father; why are we glorifying the conciliar mentality that has damaged Holy Church more than Luther and Lenin combined?

Modernism and liberalism have infected the Ecclesia; an infection generated by the conciliar errors. As a result the Pews, the Seminaries and the Cloisters have never been so empty.

Perhaps this year would be better spent rediscovering the faith the Church once held? The new evangelisation is indeed a noble endeavour, to rejuvenate the Catholic Faith. No one can deny that the Church is in a perilous decline. We have to ask though, why does the Church need rejuvenating? It would be my opinion that the faith has been so withered, so wearied by a generation of modernism that naught but seismic endeavours, such as the ‘Year of Faith’, can rescue it from the brink.

This ‘Year of Faith’ can redemptive ignition for the Church, but to use it to enforce the conciliar errors would be foolishness in the extreme. Perhaps even fatally foolish. For once the errors become entrenched, no amount of encyclicals can eliminate them. 

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