Monday 16 July 2012

Abandoning the Altars

There is no denying the fact that Mass attendance in the post-Conciliar Church has plummeted. My question is thus; whose fault is it that Christ is left abandoned on the Altars?

I am going to be radical! I do not think it is the Laity’s fault, nor the fault of the Priesthood, not even the tenaciously erroneous Council’s Sacrosanctum Concilium. It is, quite simply, the fault of the Mass of Paul VI. My thesis is this; the Pauline Mass, promulgated in 1969, is so offensive to the Church, to Priests and Laity alike, that the Altars are left abandoned

Pope Paul VI
For generations, the faithful believed that Christ’s humiliation to the elements was enough for him to suffer and that the Church should raise their earthly liturgy to the highest language and art, but not the Modernists. No. Their ‘Cult of Man’ demanded further humiliation, to bring Christ that bit lower. Archbishop Lefebvre stated, the Modernists wanted the Eucharist “reduced to an everyday act, in commonplace surroundings, with commonplace utensils, attitudes and clothing”, and in the Pauline Mass they got what they wanted. Some further Lefebvre, the Pauline mass is “a Mass which strives to bring itself down to the level of mankind rather than raising [the laity] up to God”. The 1992 Catechism states "The Eucharist is 'the source and summit of the Christian life'", yet the Mass that the Church gives the laity today would have them not climb the mountain to reach the summit, to reach God, but have the mountain demolished so that God is dragged down to them.

The Pauline mass fails to elevate the people to God, rather it humiliates God and treats the Sacrifice like an everyday act. Saint JosemarĂ­a Escrivá said of the Mass in 1972 “Jesus has perhaps never been as badly treated as he is now in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar”. To any Catholic, with any sense of love for God, this Pauline Mass can only be offensive, therefore to preserve their sensibilities the laity keep, nay run away from the altar. 

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